
Delhi Becoming A Gas Chamber

Delhi Becoming A Gas Chamber: GRAP 3 kicks in as city’s AQI turns severe; Delhi Primary School shut for two days, old cars off

Toxic smog turns Delhi into a gas chamber Every year, the national capital region, Delhi NCR, becomes a virtual gas chamber as the nation prepares for the holiday season and year-end celebrations. The citizens of the capital and the surrounding areas suffer greatly as a result of the skyrocketing levels of air pollution. There has […]

Delhi Becoming A Gas Chamber: GRAP 3 kicks in as city’s AQI turns severe; Delhi Primary School shut for two days, old cars off Read More »

Altina Schinasi

Altina Schinasi: जानें कौन हैं कैट-आई फ्रेम बनाने वाली अल्टीना शिनासी, आज है उनकी 116वीं जयंती

Altina Schinasi, the 116-year-old inventor of cat-eye frames, is honoured by Google with a Doodle. विस्तार Altina Schinasi’s following: एक समय था जब सिर्फ कुछ लिमिटेड तरह के चश्मे के फ्रेम बाजार में मिलते थे, पर एक समय ऐसा आया, जब कैट-आई चश्मे के फ्रेम बाजार में आए। लोगों को ये फ्रेम काफी पसंद आए।

Altina Schinasi: जानें कौन हैं कैट-आई फ्रेम बनाने वाली अल्टीना शिनासी, आज है उनकी 116वीं जयंती Read More »

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